Madame Shanthes

Madame Shanthes is a multi cuisine Aurovillian style thatched roof restaurant.

Our restaurant is located few steps before the beach. As you enter our restaurant, you would feel the peaceful atmosphere around with pleasant music.

It’s an Eco-friendly shelter like colonial heritage atmosphere at roof top dinning space with mild colorful lights hung around and natural cool ventilation passing on every side.

Qualified, experienced chefs and stewards serve our customers, the most delicious food. Madame Shanthes is popular for seafood varieties. We serve French, Italian, Indian and Chinese at our restaurant.

Our kitchen is available for European, French, Italian and Indian foods with fresh seafood's, meat and fresh vegetables served hot and hygienic.

Madame Shanthes



  • Open on all days 7 x 7

  • Sea view Roof Garden Restaurant

  • Family Reservation A/C Hall

  • Meditation Music

  • ATM Facility at the Base

  • All kinds of credit cards accepted

  • Car facility for Tourist